MAY 15-17, 2009
Do something GOOD for yourself!
Save time to gather with like-souled women this spring!
We will LAUGH, dream, climb trees, wander,
meditate, dance, sing, write, PLaY, wish, stretch, and
commune with nature and the deepest essence of our feminine selves!
We will LAUGH, dream, climb trees, wander,
meditate, dance, sing, write, PLaY, wish, stretch, and
commune with nature and the deepest essence of our feminine selves!
WHERE: One Osprey Lane, Glendale, OH
HOW: email Robin at
FEE: $125, includes food & supplies for weekend activities
Limited to 20 women -
reserve your place and begin enjoying the anticipation today!
HOW: email Robin at
FEE: $125, includes food & supplies for weekend activities
Limited to 20 women -
reserve your place and begin enjoying the anticipation today!