All of us are living a STORY. What BIG Story is hunting YOU?
Great healing becomes available when we draw on the immense energy generated by serving a larger purpose. We gain courage and stamina to get through the ups & downs of daily life, aware that we’re acting in a deeper drama.
Australian Aborigines say that the BIG stories are hunting the right people to tell them, like predators stalking in the bush. The trick is to put ourselves in a place where the BIG stories can find us. In this weekend of creative play, we’ll let the BIG stories hunt us, and learn to embody their power and healing in our lives.
We’ll explore and perform some of the BIG stories from myth and literature...
*The Japanese story of the sun goddess who hid her light because she was abused, and how she was coaxed back...
*The Gnostic story of the forgetful envoy sent into this world on a vital mission, but forgot what it was...
*Dante’s story of how we approach our truest life teacher by knocking on the heart.
From dreams and shared journeys, spontaneous theatre and entertainments, we’ll harvest personal stories, charged with energy and meaning, becoming the authors of our own life scripts!
If we fail to define ourselves, we let ourselves be defined by others.
All of us are living a story. If we don’t know what it is, it’s likely to be a little, limiting story, woven from past disappointments, stitched tight by people forever telling us who we are, what we can and cannot accomplish.Great healing becomes available when we draw on the immense energy generated by serving a larger purpose. We gain courage and stamina to get through the ups & downs of daily life, aware that we’re acting in a deeper drama.
Australian Aborigines say that the BIG stories are hunting the right people to tell them, like predators stalking in the bush. The trick is to put ourselves in a place where the BIG stories can find us. In this weekend of creative play, we’ll let the BIG stories hunt us, and learn to embody their power and healing in our lives.
We’ll explore and perform some of the BIG stories from myth and literature...
*The Japanese story of the sun goddess who hid her light because she was abused, and how she was coaxed back...
*The Gnostic story of the forgetful envoy sent into this world on a vital mission, but forgot what it was...
*Dante’s story of how we approach our truest life teacher by knocking on the heart.
From dreams and shared journeys, spontaneous theatre and entertainments, we’ll harvest personal stories, charged with energy and meaning, becoming the authors of our own life scripts!
Workshop Info:
Location: Women Writing for (a) Change 6906 Plainfield Rd. Cin, Oh 45236
Time: Sat June 6, 10-5 Sun June 7, 10-4
Cost: $225 before 5/15/09; $275 after. Write check to “Robert Moss.” Mail to Robin O’Neal 1 Osprey Ln Cin OH 45246
REGISTER: Contact Robin 513.659.3356
or email
Location: Women Writing for (a) Change 6906 Plainfield Rd. Cin, Oh 45236
Time: Sat June 6, 10-5 Sun June 7, 10-4
Cost: $225 before 5/15/09; $275 after. Write check to “Robert Moss.” Mail to Robin O’Neal 1 Osprey Ln Cin OH 45246
REGISTER: Contact Robin 513.659.3356
or email