
DreamTalk tonight

I know what I'll be doing before my head hits the pillow for dreamtime tonight...

"On the Way to the Peak of Normal" airs LIVE TONIGHT MAY 28 between 10PM and Midnight EST, at 88.3 FM, WAIF Cincinnati, or online at or follow the link from

Tonight's special guest will be Robert Moss, a gifted raconteur, writer, and dreamer. Robert will share the importance of tapping into the "three only things" of dreams, coincidence and imagination. He will also talk about his most recent book, The Secret History of Dreaming, a book that "restores a missing dimension to our understanding of what drives the human adventure: the vital role of dreams and imagination in science and literature, war and religion, medicine and the survival of our kind. History without the inner side is as shallow as history without economics, and as boring as history without sex. This book makes history fun. On the foundation of decades of original scholarly research and synthesis, it eloquently delivers the necessary past: the lessons that can help us create a better future."

Following the Interview, the show will be devoted to music inspired directly by dreams and visions.

Moss describes himself as “a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture.” He identifies the great watershed in his adult life as a sequence of visionary events that unfolded in 1987-1988, after he decided to leave the world of big cities and the fast-track life of a popular novelist (already the author of four New York Times bestsellers) and put down roots on a farm in the upper Hudson Valley of New York. Moss started dreaming in a language he did not know that proved to be an archaic form of the Mohawk language. Helped by native speakers to interpret his dreams, Moss came to believe that they had put him in touch with an ancient healer – a woman of power – and that they were calling him to a different life.

Out of these experiences he wrote a series of historical novels (The Firekeeper, Fire Along the Sky, The Interpreter) and developed the practice he calls Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and shamanic methods of journeying and healing. A central premise of Moss’s approach is that dreaming isn’t just what happens during sleep; dreaming is waking up to sources of guidance, healing and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind.He introduced his method to an international audience as an invited presenter at the conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams at the University of Leiden in 1994.

Find out more about Robert Moss at

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